Elevating Asphalt Production Excellence

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the principles that drive efficient and effective asphalt production. This event will equip professionals with actionable insights into best operating practices and strategic maintenance techniques that ensure maximum uptime and superior quality outcomes. 


Why You Should Attend 

  • Comprehensive Expertise: Gain a complete understanding of the foundational principles behind efficient asphalt production. 

  • Optimize Operations: Learn proven best practices for streamlining plant operations and reducing downtime. 

  • Enhance Quality: Discover strategies to ensure consistent, high-quality asphalt production. 

  • Strategic Maintenance: Understand how and when to implement targeted maintenance to maximize productivity and equipment lifespan. 

  • Collaborative Learning: Connect with peers and industry experts for valuable insights and shared experiences. 


Who Should Attend 

This event is tailored for professionals who play a critical role in asphalt production, including: 

  • Asphalt Plant Superintendents: Oversee operations with enhanced knowledge and tools to drive efficiency. 

  • Asphalt Plant Operators: Master the day-to-day practices that impact quality and productivity. 

  • Quality Control Personnel: Deepen your understanding of production processes to ensure optimal outcomes. 


Whether you're looking to improve operational efficiency, refine quality control measures, or advance your technical expertise, this event is an opportunity to elevate your skills and contribute to the success of your operation. Don't miss it! 

Workshop Agenda

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Welcome, Introductions, and Safety Share1:00 PM - 1:15 PM 
Roles and Best Practices for Superior Asphalt Mix Quality1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Every role in the asphalt production process is critical in delivering high-quality, error-free mixes. From the groundsman to the loader operator, plant operator, and truck loader, each team member has specific responsibilities that directly impact mix quality and plant efficiency. In this session, TJ Young of T2ASCO LLC will outline the essential tasks for each role, providing actionable strategies to ensure a seamless, high-performing production process. Learn how to foster accountability and collaboration to achieve superior results every time. 

Quality Production Debrief 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM 
Break3:15 PM - 3:30 PM 
Proactive Equipment Management3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Equipment wear is inevitable, but unexpected failures don’t have to be. The key to staying online lies in proactive maintenance, having critical spare parts on hand, and ensuring skilled personnel are ready to address issues before they escalate. In this session, TJ Young of T2ASCO LLC will walk you through the essential daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual checks that can identify wear and fatigue in plant components. Learn how to implement a "find and fix" approach to prevent downtime and maintain operational efficiency. Attendees will also receive a practical poster tool to help track maintenance tasks and keep their team on schedule.

Networking Reception and Dinner5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Review Day 18:00 AM - 8:30 AM 
Debrief Equipment Management8:30 AM - 9:00 AM 
Troubleshooting Mix Problems9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Identifying gradation problems, asphalt content problems, and voids problems. After the sessions, an 18-page handout and PDF file with a checklist for solving asphalt mixture problems can be kept. 

Break10:30 AM - 11:00 AM 
Good Housekeeping and Environmental Compliance11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Keeping your plant tidy is good for business and an environmental responsibility.  What happens when you let your guard down?  What areas should you focus on to be a good neighbor and protect your investment?  

Wrap-Up and Take-A-Ways11:30 AM - 12:00 PM 

Note: Lunch is provided, and the event is $180 per person. 


Reserve your spot to enhance your knowledge and stay current with the best practices in asphalt production and paving. 

Contact Jim Warren with questions: jwarren@texasasphalt.org