Full Name
Darlene Goehl
Job Title
Texas A&M Transportation Inst.
Speaker Bio
Ms. Goehl is a Research Engineer at the Texas A&M
Transportation Institute (TTI) and is a registered professional engineer in the
state of Texas. Ms. Goehl joined TTI in
November of 2016 after retiring with 28 years of service from the Texas Department
of Transportation (TxDOT). She earned a
B.S. degree in Civil Engineer from Texas A&M University in 1988. Ms. Goehl is currently working on pavement
forensic, pavement design, accelerated construction and seal coat studies for
Transportation Institute (TTI) and is a registered professional engineer in the
state of Texas. Ms. Goehl joined TTI in
November of 2016 after retiring with 28 years of service from the Texas Department
of Transportation (TxDOT). She earned a
B.S. degree in Civil Engineer from Texas A&M University in 1988. Ms. Goehl is currently working on pavement
forensic, pavement design, accelerated construction and seal coat studies for
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